Building a fair
& balanced


Who We Are

Gloucestershire Race Collective is an infrastructure organisation for racial justice in Gloucestershire.  We bridge gaps between communities and institutional structures and grow the capacity of dialogue, awareness, anti-racist actions and creative solutions in our mission to end racialisation and marginalisation.

Why We Exist

GRC was established because there has not been a black and brown-led organisation to be the voice of our local communities for over a decade.  Many people experience what they consider to be acts of racism every single day, and that’s why we’re here to build bridges between communities and the institutions that serve them.

Engaging with cultural difference with curiosity, interest and kindness will go some way to combatting the fear of the unknown, lack of understanding and ignorance which leads to injustice and persecution.


We live our values
in these ways…
  • We will nurture a robust ecosystem for racial justice: comprising a wide range of organisations, assets, capabilities, skills, and leadership within a racially diverse community of VCSE organisations. We will behave in a way that honours and builds capacity and does not extract or detract from what has been grown by and for communities.

  • We can only do our job well if our organisation is led by the communities we represent and serve and constantly elevating that community capacity and agency.

  • We will represent marginalised voices competently, being careful not to speak for or over the voices themselves, with the intention that perspectives are heard and represented and that listening well is normal.

  • Our approach will embrace the human in every one of us, the power of learning as a goal, and the complexity of non-linear systemic change over generations (Human. Learning. Systems.)

  • We will seek long-term resourcing that allows us to maintain the focus on our mission over time. We will hold organisations to account for the commitments they make to racial justice and equity by being a consistent, enduring partner for improvement.

  • We will keep up to date with latest guidance, policy, regulation, movements, data and insights both locally and nationally and will work with others so that this data is readily available to inform, and regularly scrutinised and improved if it is misleading or insufficient.

  • We will support communities to understand and relate with one another by supporting the production of guidance (information, insights, facts and stories) which nurtures richer inter-cultural and inter-racial awareness and competence.

  • In drawing attention to the experience, facts and voices of diverse ethnic communities we will seek to influence local decision-making and campaign for policy and legislative reform more widely.

The Beginning


The Beginning .


The county’s Director of Public Health published their report Beyond Covid: Race, Health & Inequality in Gloucestershire.


Gloucester City Council launched its report Commission to Review Race Relations.


Gloucestershire Voluntary Sector Alliance was noticing a gap in VCSE representation for diverse ethnic groups.

They collaborated with NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board and Gloucestershire County Council to fund research from the Black South West Network. The resulting report was The Community-Led Momentum in Gloucestershire to Tackle Healthcare Inequalities.

To support and inform the development of Gloucestershire Race Collective an insights report was published called Gloucestershire Statutory Sector Integrated Care Partners.

Watch this space.

We’re hard at work shaping GRC into an organisation that’s community led with real world impact. Keep an eye out over the next couple of months for updates and our new website!

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